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I think we would all agree that organization is a skill that takes time and effort in any household. But, having great organizational habits can also save time and make any household a less stressful place to live. Here, I’ve put together what I think are 10 ways to improve your organizational habits and keep things better organized.
Yep! That’s my desk. First, let me say that I’ve always thought of myself as a reasonably organized person. But I’m not sure everyone who knows me would agree. I’m of the “a place for everything and everything in its place” camp and I do well at putting things away after I use something. I have to admit though, that regardless of that, I still tend to “pile” things. I find plenty of little things to make piles of. In fact, I have little piles of things in nearly every room of my house. My kitchen island has a little pile of receipts, recipes, and junk mail. There is a pile of papers on the table in the dining room and another on the back of the chair by the front door. My bedroom has several piles of things I either don’t have a place for or am too lazy to put in it’s place and it was apparent to me that I actually organized my office using many piles of things I wanted to have at my fingertips.

So, since I’ve been semi-retired, I’ve been using some of my spare time to think of ways to take my organizational skills and habits to the next level and get my act together by honing in on some new habits. Because, I believe that organization is needed to live an effective life.
If you feel the same, let’s do it together! I’m all-in to help you improve your organization skills and get a firm grasp on better organizational habits, right along with me! We can be better!
Here’s how:
We are going to consider these 10 things I feel are the basics of what will help us get our lives together and develop some positive habits.
Set Goals
Yeah, yeah, I know but goal setting is the first step to getting organized. By creating your own set of priorities, you’re eliminating what doesn’t serve you and welcoming positive energy. One of my pet peeves is when people say they “don’t have time” because it’s just not true. We all have the same number of hours in the day. You do what you prioritize. You must set goals.
The trick here is to start with small, attainable goals as opposed to one major one. This will help you eliminate feeling overwhelmed and allow you to celebrate small victories. For example, my desktop not my whole office or, your shoes, not your whole closet. Large goals need to be broken down into smaller attainable goals in order to stay real and get it done.
Hold Yourself Accountable
It’s easy to miss the gym or slack off on your passion project when there aren’t any real consequences to your actions. Instead of leaving your progress up to chance, hold yourself accountable to actually doing what you set out to do. This will help you to stick to your schedule and stay organized. If you want to be held accountable, post your goals to our private Facebook group and ask for someone to check in with you to see how you are doing. We’re just getting started but you can find the group here.
Reward Yourself
In order to meet your goals and stay motivated, you have to reward yourself. Celebrate even the smallest of victories and reward yourself with self-care “treats” when you meet your goals. This will keep you excited about your goals and tempted to continue.
Set Alarms
One of the best ways to stay on top of your to-do list is to set alarms. I use my Alexia device for that. She is always reminding me of what I need to do. If you don’t want to do that you can set reminders on your phone or even set a traditional alarm clock to remind you. Having that little reminder will help you stay on track. Set reminders for your bill payment schedule, deadlines, and any other important information so you are always on track and getting the most from your time. But, don’t get distracted by all the other cools things Alexa can do!
Invest In a Planner
I’ve been a planner user forever and I’m happy to see that planners have become all the rage. Some people use digital planners, all-in-one digital planners can be used for scrapbooking, journaling and keeping track of everything you need to keep track of. I’ve always liked to keep mine simple. I’ve been using this one which you can find reasonably priced at Amazon here. Keep your life organized by investing in a good planner. This will give you a visual of what you need to accomplish.
I’ve been playing around with a digital planner since March. It is a lot of fun because you can not only keep track of your calendar, but you can write down your thoughts and feelings, create monthly vision boards, keep track of all of your important dates AND decorate it all with super cute stickers! If you are interested in taking a look at that, the one I bought is from Cheryl over at Retro Planner Co. I love her and her products! But, not only does she have great products, she creates easy to follow tutorial videos so you can learn how to use the system. She has an Etsy store and I reccomend you buy her bundle which includes everything. And, by everything, I mean everything she has in her shop AND everything she adds to the shop. Forever! you can find her Etsy store at Retro Planner Co
Trying to stay organized in a cluttered space is counterproductive. In fact, it can bring about more stress than you initially intended. It sure does for me. Start off right by cleaning out all forms of clutter you may have. One pile at a time in my case. Remember little goals. You don’t have to get it all done at once. Schedule time for it in your planner.
Throw away old clothes, items and junk that’s simply holding you back. This will help you develop your mental strength and stay organized.
Create a Monthly Goal
Each month provides an opportunity for a new start. Take advantage of this gift by setting goals you can meet. If you noticed that you struggled with productivity last month, make that a priority this month. It even helps to create vision boards with your monthly goals illustrated on them. This will help you to stay on track in the coming months. We can talk about vision boards and how to use them at another time.
Practice Saying No
One of the biggest hurdles to sticking to your personal schedule is getting caught up in other things. For example, Wednesdays are your designated gym days. However, your friends want to go out for dinner after work on Wednesday night. Remember, if you haven’t been sticking to your schedule (your priorities) it’s impacting your mental health.
So what is a girl to do? Well, start by learning how to put yourself first and like Nancy Reagan so famously said, just say no! Distractions, whether positive or negative, can throw you off of your schedule. This can make you procrastinate, feel disorganized, and cause anxiety. Learn how to say no and not feel guilty about it.
Wake up Earlier
Don’t hate me because I’m a morning person. You don’t have to get up at the crack of dawn, challenge yourself to wake up 15-30 minutes earlier each day. You’ll be amazed at how much you can accomplish in those minutes. Doing this will give you the opportunity to get some things done before the distractions start and you can get your day started with a feeling of accomplishment.
Prepare For the Day The Night Before
We’ve all been there. Rushing to get everything together while still trying to make appointments on time. The best way to alleviate those rushed feelings is to prepare for your days the day before.
At 4:00 pm each day my Alexa device reminds me to “plan for tomorrow”. I spend the last hour of my workday getting ready for tomorrow. Depending what I have on my schedule, it might include deciding what to wear for a meeting, meal planning, scheduling tasks, making appointments, journaling, etc. I promise, this will make your tomorrow much less stressful and much more enjoyable.
Getting organized is definitely a challenge, but it is a fulfilling one. You can improve your life by being more productive and having balance in your life by implementing these helpful tips into your daily routine. You’ll begin to feel more organized and prepared for everything that comes your way.
I thought you might enjoy listening to this little meditative story about habits.
Comment below to let me know how you’re doing, what’s working for you and of course where you’re struggling with as well.
Until next time,
Be Your Best You!
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